Social Change and Family Developments” is an international conference co-sponsored by the Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and our committee. The conference will take place from May 25th to 28th, 2016 at the Institute of Sociology, CASS, Beijing, China. On behalf of both sponsors, the local organizing committee cordially invites family sociologists, demographers, and other interested social scientists to participate in this event.

Plenary sessions on family changes around the globe are planned and noted international family scholars will be invited to deliver keynote speeches. Parallel sessions will allow up to 60-70 oral presentations, in addition to several concurrent poster sessions.

The conference theme encompasses a wide range of potential research topics on family from sociological, demographic, economic, psychological, and educational perspectives. To list several possible session titles:

– Changing family structures and family relations
– Changing marriage patterns in East Asia
– Family and migration
– Family transitions and well-being for children and adults
– Aging families: grandparenthood, elderly care
– Family values: ideational shifts on family change
– Balancing work and family in the global age
– Family influences on educational and occupational attainment
– Intergenerational relations
– Comparative family studies
– Emerging youth issues on the transition to adulthood
– Institutional impacts on the family and policy responses to family changes

The local organizing committee also welcomes other suggestions. Please email Zhao Kebin (, Deputy Director of Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

If you’re interested in this conference, please observe the following timetable:

Deadline to submit an abstract: January 31st, 2016
Notification of the status of your submission: February 29th, 2016
Due date for the full paper: May 15th, 2016

Please send your abstract to Dr. Yu Jia:

More specific information regarding the logistics will be posted on the conference website.