The Committee on Family Research, one of the largest and oldest ISA committees, fosters analytical and critical discussion of new research, ideas, and concepts. As such it is well-placed to respond creatively to the ISA Forum Call for better futures.
The CFR brings together scholars who wish to pursue family research in comparative and transnational contexts and constitutes basic networks of scientific research, intellectual debate, and professional exchange. The CFR seeks to understand the complex intersections of family life, social contexts and individual experience including how family life interfaces with social class, gender, race, ethnicity, and generation.
This ISA Forum theme encourages family researchers to take a forward-orientation in the presentation of both empirical and theoretical work so as to inform challenges and solutions to global problems. This general theme provides a platform for dialog among ISA’s many participating Research Committees (RCs), Working Groups (WGs), and Thematic Groups (TGs).
We invite papers using demographic, quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research. In particular, we welcome:
Paper presentation session
Each session will accommodate 4-5 papers.
Sessions can also explore overlapping issues with RC34 Sociology of Youth; RC19 Sociology of Poverty, Social Welfare and Social Policy; gender RC32 Women in Society; RC31 Sociology of Migration and RC53 Sociology of Childhood. We invite organizers for joint sessions with these or other RCs.
Author or Journal Special Issue Editor meets their Critics
Sessions where an author/ editor discusses a new book or a special journal issue with a range of critics.
Poster session
Posters can be the optimal format for early career researchers or for research in the early stage of development.
Roundtable session
Each table will accommodate 10 persons including the presenters (suggested number of 5 presenters).
Please submit your abstracts and proposals through the ISA electronic system (confex), available here.
Access to the confex system is also available here.
For each session, you will have to select the research committee, submit your name, email address, and the language that will be used in the session (English, French or Spanish). The session description may not exceed 250 words and should describe the content and format (paper presentation, author meets critics, poster, or roundtable) of the session.
Deadline: 15 March 2015, 24:00 GMT.
The program coordinators (PCs) will facilitate integrating similar sessions and adjusting topics to best complete a well-rounded and comprehensive program. PCs have to provide a list of session to the ISA by April 7, 2015.
Other important deadlines:
Call for Papers: 4 April – 30 September 2015 (through the confex online system).
Abstract selection by session organizers: 4 October — 24 November 2015.
On behalf of the Program Coordinators,
Margaret O’Brien
Director, Thomas Coram Research Unit, University College London
Professor, Institute of Education, University College London
Bárbara Barbosa Neves
Associate Director, TAGlab, University of Toronto
Senior Research Associate, University of Toronto