Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research, an annual series which focuses upon cutting-edge topics in family research around the globe, is seeking manuscript submissions for its 2015 volume. The 2015 volume of CPFR will focus on the theme of ‘
Violence and Crime in the Family: Patterns, Causes, and Consequences.’ In virtually all societies, crime is an ever-present problem. Although families are often envisioned as a ‘safe haven,’ criminologists and family researchers have found the familial context to be at the core of many forms of crime and violence. This multidisciplinary volume of CPFR will address topics such as: child abuse and neglect, spousal violence, marital rape, incarceration and parenting, community crime and family well-being, family life and delinquency, intrafamily violence, familial homicide, sexual abuse, parental kidnapping, and familicide.
The 2015 volume with be coedited by Sheila Royo Maxwell of Michigan State University and Sampson Lee Blair of The State University of New York (Buffalo).
Manuscripts should be submitted directly to the editors ( and, preferably in MS WORD format. Manuscripts should not exceed 40 double-spaced pages (not including tables, figures, and references). Submission of a manuscript implies commitment to publish in CPFR. Manuscripts should adhere to the APA format. Manuscripts should represent previously unpublished work. An abstract of 150-200 words should be included at the beginning of each manuscript. All manuscripts will undergo peer review.
The deadline for initial submissions is January 20, 2015. Any questions may be directed to the editors at and