We invite your proposals for topics and session organizers for CFR program at the 2014 World Congress. Please submit as soon as possible but no later than 1 February 2013 24:00 GMT. You are welcome to submit a possible topic, recommend an organizer or volunteer to be one, and/or suggest a format. For a complete list of possible formats and responsibilities for session organizers here.
For details on CFR deadlines and guidelines see here.
For each topic propose a short title and a detailed description of the focus, objectives, and dimensions to be covered (up to 300 words) plus preferred format and language (English, French or Spanish).
For each organizer or co-organizer provide full name, highest university degree held, current position including institutional affiliation with complete mailing address, a phone number, and email address.
Especially needed are organizers and suggestions for joint sessions with other RCs. We have until 7 April 2013 24:00 GMT to finalize these.
Proposals for Integrative Sessions, which must involve at least 3 RC/WG/TG, 3 National Associations or a combination of any three units, must be received at the ISA Secretariat by 15 January 2013 24:00 GMT. Guidelines for applying for integrative sessions are available here.
The program coordinator (PC) will facilitate integrating similar sessions and adjusting topics to best complete a well-rounded and comprehensive program.
A final list of sessions and their descriptions and the language in which they will be held is due to the ISA Secretariat at isa@isa-sociology.org for posting on the ISA Congress website as Call for Papers by 7 April 2013 24:00 GMT.
Send your proposals to:
Rudy Ray Seward, Programme Coordinator and Vice President of CFR
Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, University of North Texas
11155 Union Circle #311157, Denton, Texas 76203-1157
Phone: 940.565.2295
Fax: 940.369.7035
Email: seward@unt.edu
Special assistance and backup provided by:
Ria Smit, Secretary and Treasurer of CFR
Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, University of Johannesburg
Email: rsmit@uj.ac.za ;
Bárbara Barbosa Neves, Board Member at large of CFR
Assistant Professor of Sociology, ISCSP, Technical University of Lisbon
Rua Professor Almerindo Lessa, 1300-663 Lisboa, Portugal
Email: barbara@bbneves.com