Jun 5, 2024
Partners in Privilege: Exploring Adolescents’ Impact on Parenting Strategies By Adrienne Atterberry “We have been telling her this, ‘Like you know we are providing you whatever opportunities—as much as possible. As parents we are trying to provide whatever...
Mar 14, 2024
Why Write for Us? Contributing a blog post to the official website of the Committee on Family Research (RC06 or CFR) of the International Sociological Association (ISA) offers you the opportunity to share your knowledge, insights, and research with a broad audience...
Feb 12, 2020
Lukasz Czarnecki, Ph.D. lukasz@comunidad.unam.mx https://lukczar.weebly.com/ This short contribution aims to analyze schooling, human development, and income in three countries: Mexico, South Africa, and Vietnam. There is a common similarity for them that includes the...
Oct 7, 2019
Petteri Eerola (petteri.eerola@tuni.fi; twitter: @EerolaPetteri) Beginning around the 1980s, significant changes in male parenting have become increasingly evident in western societies (Doucet 2006, Miller 2011). Researchers have argued that caring and involved...
Aug 30, 2019
Inga Laß Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research at the University of Melbourne Many countries have seen profound changes in both the labour market and the home sphere over the past decades. Among them are rising female employment rates, increased...
Jul 2, 2019
Agnieszka Król (a.krol@uj.edu.pl) Jagiellonian University, Poland The transition to parenthood remains one of major life transitions. As such, it has received a lot of scholarly attention. The sociological perspective allows us to see that the decision-making...